Friday, October 5, 2012

High Five for Friday

Better late than never, right?

I really miss blogging.
I miss thinking of new things to write about and share.

Teaching is kicking my trash in the "free time" area.
I'll get better.
I promise.


Here are a few things that made my top 5 this week:

1. I made it through my first round of Parent-Teacher Conferences.
Two back-to-back 13 hour work days was grrrreat...

It was really fun to meet with parents and talk about their students.
It was also a little confidence booster to hear how many felt safe, loved, and enjoyed school.
I am doing something right :]

2. I got another round of my book orders.
My kids were so excited that a stuffed animal of Pete the Cat was in this one.

I still don't get why they love the little guy,
but they get crazy for Pete.

The books teach some great concepts (colors, counting, first day of school) and
the kids LOVE to sing with him.

  Do you get it???

3. I have one little boy in my class that is my little buddy.
He had a few behavior problems in the beginning of the year and he has made leaps
and bounds and has really mastered controlling his behavior.

He has gotten in the habit of sitting back at my Guided Reading table to do his work.
Lately...he has progressed to moving his chair to sit RIGHT next to me.

This was a little problematic and made it hard for me to maneuver so I told him
I loved having him there, but I needed to move quickly in and out.
Plus, kids saw I was playing favorites.....

He solved this problem by moving his desk right next to mine.
Pretty much melted my heart :)

Yeah...let's ignore the mess, please :]

4. Um, found out I will be spending my birthday AND Christmas here this year...

Kaanapali Beach, Maui

Rough, rough life.
Hey, someone's got to do it :]

5. Conference is this weekend!
Really excited for the messages that will be shared and
for an increased understanding.

For more information, visit
I promise you won't be disappointed! 

I've made it to another weekend.
Now it's time for a night with friends.

We are off to see Pitch Perfect. 
Pretty sure it will be epic :]

Have a wonderful weekend, everyone!

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